Workshop Series: What's it like, being an Entrepreneur?

Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Time: 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Karl Miller Center
The Road to
Entrepreneurial Succes
Making an idea a reality is a challenging and complex task.
The road to entrepreneurial success is long, winding and strewn with pitfalls, obstacles, and blind turns.
Learn the basics of how to move your idea forward to create a team that will help you become successful.

Friday, Jan. 31 - Feb 1, 2020
Time: 5:00pm
PSU Business Accelerator
Portland State
Kick Start Weekend
Kick-off your year of entrepreneurship with a fun, intensive two-day session!
During two evenings and one day, you will work with teams, mentors from the Portland Startup community, PSU faculty, and staff to experience innovation in action and grow and sharpen your entrepreneurial skills.
Use code: Student (developer, designer, or business) to receive a free ticket.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Time: 4:00pm
PSU Business Accelerator
What's my
Business Model?
All ideas are great but it’s important to understand how to get your idea to the next level.
How do I start?
Learn how a business model works and how it can help you know more about the risks in creating your own startup.